The world's first fully autonomous, AI-powered restaurant recently opened in Southern California.

Robots cook the burgers and deep-fry the French fries at CaliExpress

The world's first fully autonomous, AI-powered restaurant recently opened in Southern California.

Robots cook the burgers and deep-fry the French fries at CaliExpress by Flippy, a new restaurant that opened in December. The restaurant is located at 561 E. Green Street in Pasadena.

Customers visiting the restaurant can observe the robots preparing their meals from start to finish after placing an order. Orders can also be customized, as stated in a news release.

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The restaurant came into existence through a partnership between Cali Group, a technology-forward holding company, Miso Robotics, the creator of Flippy, the world's first AI-powered robotic fry station, and PopID, a technology company utilizing biometrics to simplify ordering and payment systems.

The restaurant's menu comprises burgers, cheeseburgers, and French fries.

"To our knowledge, this is the world's first operating restaurant where both ordering and every single cooking process are fully automated," stated John Miller, CEO of PopID, in a statement.

"The integration of these various technologies to create the most autonomous restaurant in the world is the culmination of years of research, development, and investment in a family of revolutionary companies."

The company also asserts that employing this technology in the restaurant will nearly eliminate errors and burns and reduce food and oil waste. The CaliExpress by Flippy kitchen could also be operated by a small crew, according to a news release.

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The CaliExpress by Flippy location will also serve as a pseudo-museum experience presented by Miso Robotics. Guests can witness dancing robot arms, experimental 3D-printed artifacts, photographic displays, and more.

Consumers can visit CaliExpress by Flippy by making a reservation online, although as of Tuesday evening, the website seems to be down.

A grand opening for the restaurant is expected to occur in the near future.


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