
Estilo Manga

prompt:In this scene, we encounter a 17-year-old young man of Brazilian ethnicit...

Rainha Cyber Viking

Prompt: Photo of Hex bendixson as a cyber Viking queen, 4k, hyper realistic.

Dia de cabelo ruim

Prompt:"Bad hair day" a poster portrait of Medusa with an angry face, hissing sn...

Humanoide extraterrestre

Prompt:Extraterrestrial humanoid with smooth blue skin, no hair, tall slender fe...

Adesivo Vetorial

Prompt: Vector Sticker Design, Lo-fi, african girl , cityscape, curly, brown eye...


breathtaking, aerial photography, [SUBJECT] surrounded by flood waters, uhd

Desenho animado simples

Prompt:flat cartoon for a little boy wearing a hat, holding on a big hawk, both ...

Retrato de uma mulher idosa usando um amplo da idade me...

Prompt:Extremely detailed photo, portrait of an elderly woman wearing a wide med...

Sala de estar em Papel kraft e corte de papel

Prompt:living room, craft paper and paper cut, modern and minimalistic, intrica...

Estilo animação Disney

prompt: disney animation style, by guillem h. pongiluppi & xiaofei yue, a lady ...

Mary Poppins nos dias de hoje

prompt:Salvador Dali style Steampunk, Mary Poppins in her modern-day London, whi...

Acorde com um café

Prompt Photoshoot of a stunning beautiful redhead blue eyes lifting big straight...

Quem é que nunca tirou uma foto ao viajar para mostrar ...

prompt:person holding an iphone with a picture of [city], realistic, minimalist,...

Sou um verdadeiro apreciador das aventuras gráficas dos...

prompt: point and click adventure game scene of a [place] | side view | in the s...

Crie um mural de arte de rua de tirar o fôlego, destaca...

Prompt: Create a jaw-dropping street art mural showcasing an [iconic street art ...

Escultura figurativa, derretendo.

Estilo de escultura figurativa, derretendo, em tons de amarelo escuro e azul-cel...

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